Ula Schneider
Artist, Art historian, Cultural worker
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Ula Schneider, *in Vienna, grew up in Washington, D.C., U.S.A., lives and works in Vienna. After studying Art History at the University of Vienna, she worked as a freelance artist in Germany. 1999, she founded and implemented an ongoing urban art project “SOHO in Ottakring” in the “Brunnen” quarter, located in Vienna´s 16th district, Ottakring. Since 2013, SOHO in Ottakring is based in the outer Sandleiten area in Vienna-Ottakring. 2021, a permanent art space called “SOHO STUDIOS” (sohostudios.at) was established. Main focus lies on process-oriented art projects in close connection with the fabric of an urban area. Since 2016, Ula Schneider is also part of the team of “Kreative Räume Wien GmbH” and since 2019 chairwoman of the association “Vienna Art School”.
✓ German, English
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