D–Arts Spot on Film x dieRegisseur*innen
© ROAD Design
D–Arts Spot on Film x dieRegisseur*innen
24.11.2024, 11-14 Uhr
Gußhausstraße 14, 1040 Wien
workshop: critical spectatorship
conducted by: Djamila Grandits & Lara Bellon
what are you looking at? what do you watch? what draws you to specific images? how do you physically engage with (moving) images? what informs your gaze and what constitutes taste?
what are our respective politics of looking? how does gaze relate to power, positionality and supremacy? when actively engaging with spectatorship, what do we learn and understand about familiarity, bearing witness and (guilty) pleasures of looking?
a shared endeavor in self reflection and rehearsal of critical spectatorship.
Registration: Please register until November 13th via office@d-arts.at
For the registration please share your name, context and motivation to participate.The number of participants is limited. The workshop will be held in English.