Iketina Danso

Keynote Speaker, Moderator, DEI Workshop Facilitator

© Fabian Sorger

Iketina Danso is a Diversity Equality/Equity and Inclusion (DEI) expert. For the last 20 years of her career she has led initiatives in: policy development, human rights, anti-discrimination, intersectional gender equality, organisational learning and human resources. She heads DEI at the Vienna University of Applied Arts, and is a Senior Lecturer for the Vienna Masters of Arts in Applied Human Rights. Iketina Chairs the association Hint Wien (Highly Intersectional Vienna) which empowers highly intersectional queer communities through storytelling and is board member of the Black Women’s Community (SFC). She is also known as poet JG Danso.

✓ English, German, French

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Ida Kielmansegg


Imayna Caceres