Danilo Jovanović
Theater director, Trainer
Open Soul method
Theater training and workshops on multiple topics
Open Soul is a theatrical method applied in working with different groups/teams as a form of training or workshop. This method is opening the space where all challenges within one team/group can be brought to the surface, so transformation can happen. Open Soul works on a body level, spoken word level and a movement level simultaneously. Some of the topics that can be explored in training or workshop are: Selfrepresentation and diversity in theater and art, team connection, dynamics and communication, critical and creative thinking, innovation.
✓ Culture and art institutions, different underprivileged groups, tech companies, project based workshops and trainings in different NGOs
✓ English and BKS
© Amary Fecanji
Danilo Jovanović is a theater director from ex-Yugoslavia and artistic director of the physical theater company Side Effect. His artistic production combines movement with storytelling and he's in love with the theatrical process and constant search for new ways to tell stories.The vision of a theater as an open experiential space in a form of "Open Soul concept" is at the heart of Danilo's work.
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