Response-ability on Trial (Kopie)

Lecture Performance

© Rawan Almukhtar

05.05.2023 Berlin

In frame of the conference: Nature-Society Relations and the Global Environmental Crisis –Thinking on Climate Change and Sustainability from the Fields of Intersectional Theory and Transdisciplinary Gender Studies, der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Response-ability on trial is a transdisciplinary project which negotiates the idea of a (legal) Anthropocene in the - in between of - academia and art. Response-ability on trial brings together perspectives of climate litigation, more-than-human legalities, power and hegemony. Whose interests are recognized as rights? Who is granted legal access? Who is heard and whose words are left at the margins? Which idea of a common world is negotiated with whom?

With & by: Petra Sußner (lawyer), Myassa Kraitt (performer KDM - Königin der Macht), Mbatjiua Hambira (musician), Rawan Almukhtar (visual artist), Herwig Scherabon (visual artist), Maanila Maanila Santos de Moraes, multimedia artist (multimedia artist), Ivana Pilić (curator)

Response-ability on trial is a production of Epistemic ruptures. Interventions in Art and Science by Petra Sussner, Ivana Pilić, Myassa Kraitt.

Response-ability on trial is a cooperation between the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, Interuniversitäre Einrichtung Wissenschaft und Kunst, Paris Lodron Universität Salzburg und Universität Mozarteum Salzburg, Improper Walls and D—Arts, project office for diversity.


Kulturpolitisches Symposium


D—Arts Sessions