
As part of the Fellowship program kültür gemma! x D—Arts

© Onur Serdar

Ženergija expands the format to PresenD—Arts

In this series of radio shows, Zoe Gudović try to cross the voices of people in Vienna who make up the cultural scene. That is why, through the radio show Ženergija, and other media channels, it will be present part of the work of a network that currently brings together 77 organizations, and members of D—Arts.

In the dialogue between different actors - artists, activists, cultural workers, cultural institutions, and cultural policy, we open space for communication, exchange of experience, and vision for a better understanding of cultural strategy from different angles and viewpoints, needs, and knowledge.

Archiving the voices of people who create now is the passion of Ženergija, and it leaves a good foundation for memorizing her/his/they/story, and keeping it from being forgotten and erased. Building and expanding the community requires constant communication, affirmation, support, and solidarity.

14.12.2023  Dilan Şengül (D—Arts), Catrin Seefranz (kültür gemma!)
21.12.2023  Wilhem Binder (Queer Museum Vienna), Jelena Micić (Wienwoche)
28.12.2023  Nora Soumah (Semmelweisklinik), Barbora Horská (Improper Walls)
11.01.2024  Ula Schneider (Soho Studios), Gizem Gerdan (Kulturhaus Brotfabrik)
01.02.2024  Nicole Miltner (Klasse für Alle), Ruby Sircar (IG Bildende Kunst)
15.02.2024 Mika Maruyama (Multiple Spirits & VBKÖ), Petz Haselmayer (Decolonizing in Vienna)
22.02​.2024 Tayla Myree (eSeLSchwarm), Deborah Hazler (Raw Matters)
29.02​.2024 Aslı Kışlal (diverCITYLAB), Anke Schad-Spindler (EDUCULT)
14.03​.2024 Tahereh Nourani (Composer and sound artist), Krysztina Winkel (Wiener Staatsoper)
21.03​.2024 Rey Joichl (Brunnenpassage), Erhan Altan (Neuer Wiener Diwan)
28.03​.2024 Lis Mai (dotdotdot), Anna Leon (Tanzquartier Wien)


Response-ability on Trial


Netzwerk in Praxis